Xanthippe Has your uncle been to the Vatican?
My uncle really doesn’t even think of religion. It’s only because his brother is bringing it up. The reason my uncle doesn't think much of the WT scandals is because he believes the sex abuse is a human species problem- or maybe not a problem but just human nature, and not necessarily a religion problem, at least for some people. He pointed out something kind of interesting to me when I was younger and was abused by older women. To be honest I really don’t call it abuse and most kids my age don’t either.
He told me to look at all the young women teachers who have lately been getting caught having sex with 13 year old students. There are actually tons of them the past couple of years. He told me to look at their lives. Most of them worked hard to get a degree in teaching. They spent several years going to school and have had to cough up the money to pay for the school. Just about all of them were happily married and had kids of their own. They had parents and siblings and friends who would be affected if she ever got caught having sex with a child. They also were very aware that if they got caught, more than likely they would have to spend some time in prison, probably years, and afterward register as a sex offender for life. All those years going to school to be a teacher, all the hard work, all the money spent, would go down the drain. Her only options for the rest of her life would be menial jobs which would translate into a life of poverty. Plus what man would want to marry a women who went to prison for child sex abuse.
So what happened?
Evidently for some persons those sex hormones escalate to such a high degree that they override the current norms of human behavior. The human desire to procreate with young healthy humans overrides any sense of self preservation. Age and law just entered the picture a few years ago according to history and that’s what is making all the scandals----into scandals.
It also happens in all fields not just religion. For example Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby just to name a few people in the film industry. Bill Cosby was the “Jell-O” man who loved pudding. (Who would have thought!) Politicians – where do I start, from members in congress to judges all the way to the President!
So I’ve notice that a lot of people, who’ve never been JWs or religious for that matter, never give it a second thought when news about Watchtower sex scandals comes out in the news.
So to my uncle, it's a scandal, but not really!